Press Release (Fictional)

Bryan Eglesia
4 min readDec 1, 2020



For Immediate ReleaseIntoxicated Professor Streaks Across Campus

RENO, Nev. (May 3, 2018) — We would like to extend our sincerest apologies to the University of Nevada, Reno’s community in the recent incident regarding an intoxicated professor streaking on campus.

William Wannamaker, a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno was apprehended by campus police for being intoxicated and streaking across campus on April 27, 2018, around noon. Professor Wannamaker did not uphold the responsibilities he accepted when taking on his position as a higher-level educator. Professor Wannamaker did not abide by many rules and standards of different codes of ethics for higher learning educators.

The University of Nevada, Reno is aware that these actions are intolerable and have taken measures to reprimand Professor Wannamaker.

Professor Wannamaker did not follow many of the principles within the Code of Ethics for Educators by the Association of American Educators regarding ethical conduct towards students, parents, and the community.

According to the Association of American Educators, professors are responsible “for teaching students character qualities that will help them evaluate the consequences of and accept the responsibility for their actions and choices (AAE).” Such violations of the Code of Ethics will not go unpunished by such a pristine institution.

The code of ethics for educators by the Association of American Educators believe, “all educators are obligated to help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, fidelity, and respect for the law, for human life, for others, and for self (AAE).”

Within the code of ethics for educators, professors are expected to “‘make a constructive effort to protect the student from conditions determinate to learning, health, and safety (AAE).” Also, professors and educators across the country are supposed to “manifest a positive and active role in the school/community relations (AAE).” Professor Wannamaker did not abide by these specific guidelines of the Code of Ethics for Educators across America.

This incident has caused a re-evaluation of the current instructors regarding their professional ethics. It is now required for all staff members to be tested on their ethical reasoning specifically with the Association of American Educators and the American Association of University Professors to make sure nothing like this happens again.

According to the American Association of University Professors report regarding professional ethics, professors are ethically obligated to “exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending and transmitting knowledge (AAUP).” In this instance, Professor Wannamaker failed to act accordingly and uphold his ethical obligations to the University.

As a professor at a higher learning institution, Professor Wannamaker exemplified a lack of discipline and professionalism. On this day, the university hosted Nevada Bound tours which involved over 100 high school prospective students and their parents. Professor Wannamaker reportedly stumbled into one of these groups of students and parents in front of the Joe Crowley Student Union.

Throughout the incident police services acquired reports from students and faculty regarding Professor Wannamaker’s streaking at multiple locations within campus grounds. Officers were finally able to detain Professor Wannamaker after ten minutes of streaking when he stopped to dance on the Mackay statue and allegedly shouted, “it’s bias, not biased!”

The university would like to make note that these actions will not be dismissed as they are inexcusable. The University has taken many steps to reprimand William Wannamaker for his actions. Because of his actions, Professor Wannamaker will be facing criminal charges for indecent exposure to minors, public indecency, and public intoxication. Along with these criminal charges, he has been relinquished of his duties with the university.

This has become a pressing issue for the University and our PR firm. As the Institution and firm are stakeholders in this incident. Professors of the University along with our PR firm are expected to be the face of the University and uphold a positive image for the University. As the face of the University, we are expected to conduct ourselves professionally, with truth, accuracy, fairness, and responsibility to the public. This provocative act by the Professor clearly violates these standards and puts the

Universities and our firm’s ethical principles in question.

Although Professor Wannamaker was a key moral agent, the University has also taken full responsibility for this situation. The university will be taking steps to avoid further incidents like this in the future. They will start conducting random drug and alcohol tests throughout the year. The police services will also be installing security cameras to better monitor on-campus activities. The actions of Professor Wannamaker were unexpected and unbecoming.

The university has taken the extreme measures of handling the situation and lending its sincere efforts in helping the faculty, students and Nevada bound participants who witnessed this occurrence. The University of Nevada Reno sends out their genuine apology to the faculty, students, and the Nevada Bound participants that were on campus during this unacceptable and misfortunate incident.

UNR PR is a public relations agency that represents the University of Nevada Reno. UNR PR has made it its mission to represent the university in a truthful, respectful, and positive manner.

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